Personally, I’m in the camp that television has gotten better year after year. At what period in time have we had such a catalog of classic’s from Breaking Bad, the Sopranos, Sons Of Anarchy, Boardwalk Empire, and of course The Walking Dead.
Yesterdays episode marked the return of the fifth season of this amazing series. And without a doubt it may have been the best episode out of the bunch. If you aren’t disturbed by the casual brutality the group experiences at the trough then you’re already walking dead.
Below is a list of 10 Crazy Moments From the Walking Dead Premier.
It starts off with almost everyone trapped in Terminus in a train car, preparing to be turned into tomorrows lunch special. The rest is beautifully disturbing classic television. If you haven’t watched it you can see it on AMC’s website. Watch it before you read the list so you don’t see the spoilers.
So without further adue, here Are The 10 Most OMG Moments From ‘The Walking Dead’ Premiere.
1. When we’re introduced to the trough at Terminus
Image: Uproxx
2. When you realize the first victim is the Penguin from “Gotham” and played a hipster guy from one of the earlier episodes.
3. When Carol blew stuff up like a bad ass
Image: Uproxx
4. Then pretended to be a walker to go kick some ass
Image: Cynyster Monkey
5. When Glenn he should save that guy …
… and then immediately realizes that was a mistake.
Image: FanSided
6. When baby Judith was all like, “Oh, damn.”
Image: hobophomia
7. Then Tyreese saved the day
Image: mbguy
8. All those wild walker kills
Image: FanSided
9. When Carol finally reunited with the group
Image: gratuitous-violence-reedus
10. And last but not least … MORGAN!