Sophisticated, sleek and customizable. Wouldn’t it be nice if everything could be described with these three words? Well, let’s start by introducing Cracked – the best bottle opener you’ll ever own.
Cracked was designed to be a new range of creative and bespoke bottle openers that aren’t gimmicky keychain weights. We don’t always have our keys on us when we need a bottle opener, so finally, there’s one that fits in a wallet – something that’s on us majority of the time! At just over 2mm thick, Cracked Bottle Openers ($12+) are the perfect addition to your wallet, simply keep it in one of your credit card slots, without it being a bulky nuisance. The opening shape is totally unique to Cracked. It’s also effective and easy to use, perfect to crack open a cold one with. While adding a creative design element that is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
The team at Cracked were fed up with the lack of personalization and creativity in the bottle opener world so they designed Cracked to come in a total of 24 different combinations. You can rock silver and marble, cork and titanium or white and copper, the list goes on and on.