Drink More Whiskey ($14) a new smart guide to everything whiskey related is the perfect introduction for a whole new generation of would-be connoisseurs to this timeless spirit. With new, upstart distillers now reviving classic varieties such as White Dog, known as moonshine through the prohibition, there has never been a better time to start your whiskey education. Drink More Whiskey is the ideal reference for all of those looking to discover the styles, provenance, differences in quality, and many uses of whiskey in a fresh, and fun-to-read format. There are also over 20 recipes throughout, ranging from classics such as Old Fashioned to the thoroughly modern tipples.
After starting life on the Kickstarter crowdfunding website back in 2011 where it surpassed its $30,000 target by over $10,000, Matt Stevens was able to release his dream book. This success says something about the power of the sneaker in American culture as that is the theme of this book. 100 of the greatest images […]