The sequel to the iconic movie Rocky sees Balboa recovering from his bloody battle with Apollo Creed and trying to make a living out of the ring. Now married to Adrian and with a baby on the way, Rocky has retired but the flame is far from out. Creed, however, humiliated by the taunts of boxing fans, tempts Rocky out of his reluctant retirement for a rematch. Written and directed by Stallone and with the same cast line up from the original, Rocky II ($13) is one of the few sequels that lives up to, and some say better, its predecessor.
Taking his cue from the success of Alien, James Cameron takes an opportunity to continue the story of Alien. In Aliens ($8), the planet’s been colonized but they’ve lost contact with the colonists. So, Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) goes back to the planet with a bunch of bad ass army guys to see what’s up. What […]