Choosing the right outdoor gear can be the difference between having a great time and a really bad one. Legendary outdoor gear manufacturers Civil Ware have crafted not only a versatile and lightweight everyday knife but also one of sheer beauty. Expertly crafted from 154cm steel the Striker Folding Knife ($150) features a tough 3” blade, an ergonomic textured G10 handle that sits comfortably in the hand and with it weighing a measly 4.15oz it’s easy to carry. The only really difficult choice to make is which colour to buy, black or tan?
The Spyderco Dog Tag Folding Knife ($95) is an old-school hideout blade that can easily fit in your pocket or around your neck. Ready for use whenever you need it. The overall knife measures 3.23″ when fully open and 2″ when close. The handle is made from titanium and features a stealthy black titanium carbonitride […]