Ever not know what you should make for dinner? Are in the situation where every evening has become an occasion for deliberation and duress? Well those days have now gone as What the F*@# Should I Make For Dinner?($10) will get everyone off their a** and into the kitchen. A derivative of the hugely popular website, whatthefuckshouldimakefordinner.com, this book is effectively a ‘Choose your own adventure’ cookbook, as there are options on every page for another f*@#ing great idea for dinner. There are over 50 recipes here and you are guided through every one by creative prompts and now both carnivores and vegetarians can shed their indecision once and for all and get cooking.
Take some DIY fever toss is a mania for quality and you have a revival of old school butchery! Artisan cooks whose make regular trips to their favorite farmers markets are buying up meat from small farms in butchery sized portions. Dubbed a ‘rock star butcher’ by the NYT, Ryan Farr is a self taught […]