ICONIC: A Photographic Tribute to Apple Innovation ($75) is a collection of some of the most breath taking images you will ever see. The subject? The design and innovation that have made Apple products world beaters. This book takes you the reader on an amazing tours of some of Apple’s most important and visually stunning products. Follow the journey from the beginning in this photographic timeline of desktops, peripherals, portables, prototypes, iDevices such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad and the unique packaging they came in. A real pictorial treat that will astound you.
Smoke: New Firewood Cooking ($) has a Texan chef showing us there is a whole big world of flavor that stretched way beyond the parameters of barbecues. Smoke is the main primer in the most time tested cooking technique of all time, but also one that we have largely lost touch with over time. Tim Byres is […]