Forget the girly cocktails and spirits with a mixer and start to drink like a real man; and an old man at that! Get a few of these Old Man Drinks ($11) down and that baby’s bottom that passes for your chest will be sprouting hair in no time. From Sidecars and Boilermakers to Satan’s Whiskers and Rusty Nails, these old school drinkers go down in as rough a way as they sound. There is no room for foo-foo umbrellas or pink drinks in this book, just good ol’ stuff such as bourbon, gin, rye and whiskey, along with a hefty dose of life lessons. It’s time to man up, grab that stool and settle in for a long long night.
With more 1500 images on over 400 pages, this is the ultimate compendium for those fans of Lost. the LOST Encyclopedia is a comprehensive guide to all the characters, locations, items, relationships, mythologies and plotlines from every one of the 6 seasons of this landmark series which was produced by ABC Studios and aired on […]