Finding great new places to eat can be a frustrating endeavor. Now there is a book that provides you with all the tools you need to find those great little hole in the walls or five star restaurants. Where Chefs Eat: A Guide to Chefs’ Favourite Restaurants ($13), is a restaurant guide developed from the recommendations of over 400 chefs. The guide starts with the listing of the Chefs, their restaurants and their recommendations. It then goes into geographical locations and the recommended restaurants in those areas. Where Chefs Eat would make a great companion for the who to travel a lot or are planning to visit new cities.
Martin Scorcese, is a man who has enriched the history of American cinema like no other. Taxi Driver, Mean Streets, The Departed, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, his resume reads like a list of great American movies, and he was at the helm of all of them. He is the directorial version of Johnny Depp in that […]